Tips For Mild Covid-19 Patients!

Tips For Mild Covid-19 Patients!

Always Keep Thermometer And Pulse Oximeter By Your Side

Maintain a log of your temperature, oxygen saturation & pulse thrice daily or as advised by your doctor. Also, record blood pressure and blood glucose readings if you are on hypertension and diabetic medications.

Watch Out For These Alarming Signs

– Difficulty in breathing

– Decrease in oxygen saturation (SpO2 < 95%); below 90% is alarming

– High-grade fever/severe cough, particularly for >5 days

– Mental confusion

Please note: A low threshold should be kept for those with any of the high-risk features such as age > 60 yrs, comorbidities like diabetes, and other immunocompromised states. 

Never Self Medicate

– Take medicines for relieving symptoms. For example, paracetamol for fever can be taken with a minimum gap of 4-6 hrs between two doses. Some patients may benefit from blood thinners or steroids, but DO NOT take these without your doctor’s advice.

– Supplements for immunity. Take supplements containing Zinc and Vitamin C for boosting immunity.

Remember, your doctor will suggest the right course of treatment. Do not self-medicate.

When To End Home Isolation?

If you were symptomatic: 10 days after symptom onset, plus at least 3 additional days without symptoms.

If you were asymptomatic: 10 days after a positive test for SARS-CoV-2.

Loss of taste and smell may persist for weeks or months after recovery. In such cases, you need not delay the end of isolation​.

Breathe Better With The Following Tips

– Lie down flat on your abdomen/tummy (also known proning). Do this for a few minutes in the day – may be beneficial for improving ventilation and making breathing easy in mild cases.

– Practice breathing exercises to improve your breathing capacity.

– Blow balloons to boost lung capacity. Blow 2-3 breaths, hold for a while and exhale.

Isolate. Rest. Restore Health.

Isolate, but stay connected: Maintain a daily routine, read books and take out time for self-care. Stay in touch with your loved ones through audio/ video calls. 

Take rest, but stay active: Walk in your room for at least 15-20 min a day. Staying active will improve blood circulation and prevent clotting. 

Eat well & take fluids: Eat easy-to-digest food. Take plenty of fluids (3-4 L/day). Have warm water, turmeric milk, kadha and soup at least once daily.