Even if you wear a good quality branded mask, you will breathe some amount of dust and dirt particles present in the current polluted air. The small particles irritate the lining of the lungs increasing the risk of asthma or can worsen the symptoms of pre-existing lung conditions. Not only this, exposure to polluted air for a long time may even lead to headache, eyes, nose and throat irritation and can increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
Why exercising in air pollution is more harmful?
We mainly perform aerobic activities outside like running, brisk walking or cycling during which we breathe more oxygen to produce energy. We inhale more air and breathe it more deeply into our lungs. As we have to breathe a large amount of oxygen, we mostly do it through our mouth, which contains more dust than the air we breathe in through our nose.
Here is what you should do
Nowadays, It is better to exercise indoors in winters when the air quality gets worse. Even if you decide to shed some sweat outside with your mask on, you cannot avoid eye irritation and skin issues. It is better to stay indoors as much as possible when the air quality level sinks. Children and older people should be more careful during this time. Try yoga, skipping and spot jogging in your home to stay active and fit.