Details about Healthgenie BPM03 Upper Arm Digital BP Monitor
Healthgenie BPM03 Upper Arm Digital BP Monitor has 102.1×68.9 mm LCD. A memory bank of 2×90 capacity. Has an irregular heartbeat Indicator. It is designed to measure blood pressure and pulse rate of an individual. It uses Oscillometric method of blood pressure measurement. This monitor has a unique property, which indicates irregular heartbeat, the indicator blinks when the alert is being noticed. It also helps you to diagnose the abnormal functions such as hypertension followed by your heart.
Key features of Healthgenie BPM03 Upper Arm Digital BP Monitor:
Fully featured, automatic, extra large LCD display 102×69mm. 2 Multi-user separate memory with 60 readings each, along with date/time stamp.
It appears in a fashion of month+day+hour+minute as a data function.
Its design is compact and small in size compared to others.
It gives accurate and consistent results with zero digital errors. It provides +/-5% pulse with +/-3mmHg pressure.
This monitor has a good storage capacity, which can store at least 60 records for two people respectively.