1. Aids in weight loss
Most of us have a desk job, which makes us spend most of the time sitting, which in turn leads to weight gain. However, walking every day can help you to burn more calories and reduce your risk of weight gain and its related health complications. It is a form of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise which can help you to burn up to 100 calories per mile.
Moreover, a 2014 study published in the Journal of Exercise, Nutrition, & Biochemistry[1] revealed women who walk for 50-70 minutes thrice a week for 12 weeks showed a significant reduction in the waist circumference by 2.8 cm and lost around 1.5% of their body fat. So if you have belly fat, walking can help you to cut down that extra flab.
2. Improves creativity
Stuck at a point and can’t think what to do? Take a break and go for a quick walk outside. Studies have revealed that whether you need a solution at work or are looking for a novel idea but stumped for an idea, walking can get your creative juices flowing and help you hit the bull’s eye.
A 2014 study[2] revealed that walking boosts creative ideation in real time and shortly after going for a walk. A short stroll in the outdoors can stimulate the brain and open up the free flow of ideas along with improving physical activity. It is a simple and quick solution for people in the creative field. Moreover, it also improves memory, cognition, learning, and reading, thus lowering your risk of cognitive impairment.
3. Lowers the risk of heart disease
If you have any risk factor for heart disease, then don’t be surprised if your doctor prescribes walking every day to keep your heart healthy. Several studies[3] have documented that 15 minutes of daily exercise can cause a 15% reduction in deaths due to cardiovascular diseases. Walking is known to improve blood pressure control, reduce resting heart rate and strengthen the heart muscle, thus protecting you against heart diseases.
A 2002 study titled “Walking compared with vigorous exercise for the prevention of cardiovascular events in women”[3] revealed that women who either walked or exercised vigorously at least 2.5 hours per week had around 30 percent low risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease post menopause.
4. Increases life expectancy
Want to live longer? Make sure you walk every day. One of the reasons why you go for regular walks is that it can add years to your life and make you live a long life. A research study published in 2012 in the Journal Public Library of Science Medicine[4] showed that walking can add up to seven years to your life irrespective of your age and weight.
Moreover, walking helps you to stay fit, healthy and happy. This is because people who exercise or walk are more happy, excited and enthusiastic about their future as compared to their couch-potato friends.
5. Relieves stress
One of the key benefits of walking daily is that it is the fastest and most effective ways to help you calm down and fight stress. A quick walk after your meals or in the evening can go a long way in boosting your mood and relieving stress. According to a 2018 study[5], walking helps clear cortisol, stress hormone, and improve circulation of blood, thereby helping you to stay calm and happy. Moreover, walking in a natural environment settings such as parks, garden and green spaces was more restorative than walking in urban surroundings like roads and malls.
6. Regulates Blood Pressure
Researchers at the Wakayama Medical College, Japan conducted an experiment on individuals with mild hypertension, where 83 participants walked 10,000 steps per day for 12 weeks. At the end of 12 weeks, they showed a significant drop in blood pressure and had increased stamina.
If you are unable to complete 10,000 steps per day, walk for at least 30 minutes every day to keep your blood pressure levels in check.
7. Strengthens Bones And Eases Joint Movements
Regular walking strengthens bones by improving the lubrication between joints and strengthening and toning your muscles.
A small study done on 27 people with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis showed that walking at a stretch for 30 minutes or more increased knee pain while the same volume of walking in multiple bouts improved knee loading and eased pain.