Details about Baidyanath Vita-Ex Gold Plus Capsule Pack of 2
VITA–EX GOLD Plus – the 100% natural ayurvedic power house for richer, fuller and energetic life.
The Ayurvedic power & energy of SWARNA BHASMA from pure gold.
If lack of energy & exhaustion is a cause of personal problem to you.
If you’ve tried everything else & failed.
It’s time for Baidyanath Vita-Ex Gold Plus.
The one with SWARNA BHASMA an ayurvedic formulation, known through the ages to augment energy levels. Recommended even by the eminent authority on Ayurveda Dr. K. M.Nadkarni as an energy source. This formulation, also mentioned as a natural power source in Bhav Prakash & Charak (the centuries old, most referred ayurvedic texts) is now being widely accepted in the west.
Non-hormonal safest vitaliser.
Restores energy.
Increases confidence.
No diet restrictions.
No side-effects.
Minimizes moments of embarrassment.
Safed Musli:
The dried roots of asparagus are used in Ayurveda as an aphrodisiac. They are available in the market as Safed Musli. Roots boiled in one cup of milk should be taken twice daily.
Tonic Alterative, Aphrodisiac and nervine sedative.
Ashwagandha powder boiled in the cow’s milk is a good Vajikarak Rasayan .
Root is used in all cases of general debility, nervous exhaustion, brain fatigue, loss of memory, loss of muscular energy and spermatorrhoea.
Powder of the root, mixed with honey and ghee in equal parts is recommended for impotence or seminal debility.
Tonic alterative. rejuvenator and aphrodisiac. Useful in general debility and diseases of urinary tract.
Stimulant. Improves complexion. Gives physical strength, mental energy and vigor as well. It is an excellent remedy for Tri-dosha.
Kauncha Beej
Nervine tonic. Aphrodisiac and Antispasmodic.
Depressed libido.
Sexual weakness.
Functional impotence.
Unsatisfactory sexual performance.
Sexual neurasthenia.
Unsatisfactory erection.
Loss of Vitality.
Mental and physical tiredness.
HOW TO USE- 1-2 capsules twice a day with milk or water.
PACKING: 20 Capsules.