Details about Baidyanath Vatrina Tablet
Vatrina Tablet contains Suranjan, Ashwagandha, Sonth, Bhawna of Har-singar and Maharasna-di Kwath.
Role of KEY CONTENT- :
Suranjan is a medicinal herb used to treat rheumatoid arthritis pain.
Aswgandha has anti-inflammatory property that is used to treat bone disease such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis.
Sonth is a medicinal herb that has powerful anti-inflammatory property which helps in reducing rheumatoid arthritis pain.
Bhawna of Harsingar has an anti-arthritic and analgesic property.
Maharasnadi Kwatha gives relief from pain.
Vatrina Tablet is used to treat all types of rheumatic pain, arthritis, gout, sciatica and lumbago.
Direction of use:
Take Vatrina Tablet orally.
Use under medical supervision