क्यों नहीं पीना चाहिए खड़े होकर पानी- आयुर्वेद में खड़े होकर पानी पीने की मनाही है। इस तरह पानी पीने से एक तो व्यक्ति की प्यास पूरी तरह नहीं बुझती और दूसरा उसके शरीर के कई महत्वपूर्ण अंगों पर भी बुरा असर पड़ता है। आयुर्वेद के मुताबिक, जब हम खड़े होकर पानी पीते हैं तो, इससे हमारे […]
Vaginal discharge serves an important housekeeping function in the female reproductive system. Fluid made by glands inside the vagina and cervix carries away dead cells and bacteria. This keeps the vagina clean and helps prevent infection. What causes abnormal discharge? Any change in the vagina’s balance of normal bacteria can affect the smell, color, or […]
Mumbai based innovation-driven global pharma company Glenmark has launched Nitric Oxide Nasal Spray (FabiSpray) in India, in partnership with SaNOtize, for treatment of adult patients suffering from COVID-19. Glenmark received manufacturing and marketing approval from India’s drug regulator, Drugs Controller General of India, for Nitric Oxide Nasal Spray as part of the accelerated approval process. […]
Has Protein The role of protein in the growth and development of the body is a no brainer. Proteins help boost metabolism, reduce appetite, build muscle mass, and repair cells. In addition to being responsible for building muscle mass and managing weight, they aid in recovery from illness and can reduce the risk of diabetes […]
Anti-allergic medicines as prescribed by your doctor should be regularly given. Anti-allergic medicines including cetirizine, levocetirizine, fexofenadine and loratadine, etc., have well-documented effectiveness in children. They help in relieving congestion, runny nose, and mucus buildup. Remember, do not treat your kids on your own or with your medicines. Follow dosage as advised by your child […]
N95s have a tighter fit to your face than cloth masks and are made with a special material designed to block 95 per cent of harmful particles. The fibres are pressed closer together than in cloth masks and have an electrostatic charge that attracts molecules to stick to the mask rather than passing through. KN95s […]
Include ghee & healthy fats Winter is the season when our digestion is optimum and the appetite is better. One is advised to have healthy fats to digest the heavy food consumed during winters. Ghee, sesame oil & seeds should definitely be incorporated, says the Ayurveda expert. Drink hot water As per Ayurveda, agni or […]
According to Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, a woman is allowed to terminate her pregnancy provided the length of pregnancy did not exceed 20 weeks. But in a noteworthy judgement, Delhi High Court allowed a woman to terminate her 28-week pregnancy because the woman produced reports that the foetus was suffering from a rare congenital […]
Omicorn might render many vaccines less effective as it has many mutations in spike protein, AIIMS director Dr Randeep Guleria said. Dr Guleria said it has been reported that Omicron has over 30 mutations in the spike protein region. Mutations at the spike protein region makes a variant potential to develop an immune escape mechanism, […]
सर्दियां शुरू हो गई हैं और ड्राई स्किन की परेशानी सभी को होने लगती है, लेकिन कुछ लोगों के लिए ये समस्या इतनी गंभीर होती है कि उनकी स्किन में तो पपड़ी भी निकलने लगती है। ऐसे में अगर आपसे पूछा जाए कि आप अपनी स्किन के लिए किस तरह का स्किन केयर रूटीन फॉलो […]
ज्यादातर लोग कहीं न कहीं भागदौड़ में लगे रहते हैं। ऐसे में वे पानी भी खड़े होकर पीते हैं। खड़े होकर पानी पीने से सेहत को बहुत नुकसान पहुंचता है। ऑक्सीन सप्लाई रुक जाती है-खड़े होकर पानी पीने से फूड और विंड पाइप में होने वाली ऑक्सीजन की सप्लाई रुक जाती है। जिसका असर न […]
Omicorn might render many vaccines less effective as it has many mutations in spike protein, AIIMS director Dr Randeep Guleria said. Available information about the new variant of the SARS-CoV-2 indicates many possibilities which need to be scientifically established, AIIMS chief Dr Randeep Guleria said on Sunday commenting on the new variant which has the […]
A perfect Detox Drink Lemon and honey water functions as a natural detox drink and it provides you with an instant energy while detoxifying the body. Drink it with lukewarm water on an empty stomach. Ensure the honey is pure or organic. Energy Gainer This drink is a natural energy booster providing you with a […]
Nutritional Value Of Kiwi Fruit: Here is the nutritional profile of 100g of raw kiwi fruit: 61 calories 0.5 g fat 3 mg sodium 15 g carbohydrates 9 g sugar 3g dietary fiber 1.1g protein Health Benefits of Kiwi Fruit: Can help treat asthma It’s thought that the high amount of vitamin C and antioxidants […]
Salt Water Saline or salt water is the time tested natural remedies to treat eye infections. Saltwater facilitates to clear away pus, dirt or discharge, it functions like teardrops which are eye’s natural way of cleansing. Moreover, the potent antimicrobial property of saltwater is beneficial in treating eye infections. Mix 1 teaspoon of salt in […]
अंडे में पाए जाने वाले तत्वों की बात करें तो इसमें भरपूर मात्रा में प्रोटीन, आयरन, विटामिन ए, बी 6, बी 12, फोलेट, एमिनो एसिड, फास्फोरस और सेलेनियम एसेंशियल अनसैचुरेटेड फैटी एसिड्स (लिनोलिक, ओलिक एसिड) पाए जाते हैं जो वयस्कों से लेकर बच्चों तक की सेहत के लिए बहुत जरूरी है. क्या कहती हैं डाइट […]
Drinking water while standing: A common occurrence these days when people hardly have time to sit and have their meals peacefully, one often ends up drinking water while standing or even walking. This, however, could be the reason you are bloated and overtime developing belly fat. Ayurveda says that the human body is created in a […]
Water Do not drink too much water in between your yoga practice. You can have some sips in between to overcome your thirst. Having too much water can make you feel heavy and hinder your practice. Menstruation yogaDo not do the ‘feet up’ (inverse) poses while menstruating. Perform simple relaxation and breathing poses while you […]
Myth: You should never eat fruit before sleeping Fact: The body does not alter from burning calories to storing them as fat when a person sleeps. There is no evidence to support the claim that consuming fruits at specific times of the day varies weight gain. Several pieces of evidence reveal that it is essential to […]
Getting the correct health insurance You should always review and compare different policies to ensure that your specific risk factors are not excluded from the policy you choose if that is possible. Moreover, regardless of these exclusions, it is vital to have health insurance. If you are confused about choosing the right health insurance policy, […]
How does single-dose COVID-19 Johnson’s & Johnson’s vaccine work? J&J’s vaccine is a carrier or a viral vector vaccine. It is created by using a harmless, inactive, non-replicating adenovirus, which in its active form causes common colds. This adenovirus acts as the vector. The genetic code (RNA) of the SARS-CoV-2 virus’ spike protein is inserted […]
– Always Sit at the right level above the ground Your torso should be about an arm’s length away from the monitor, with the eyes leveled with the top of the screen. Do watch your feet as you should keep your feet planted on the floor and shoulder-width apart to minimize tension in your knees […]
Q: Is belly fat different from the fat found elsewhere in the body? Yes. While the fat found on your arms, hips, and most of the body is subcutaneous, belly fat is more likely to be visceral. Subcutaneous fat is the “PINCHABLE fat” that you can see, it’s located just between the skin and the […]
Lemons are a powerhouse of nutrients like fibers, minerals like potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, pectin and citric acid. Also, the antioxidant properties present in lemons not only help in promoting weight loss, but at the same time prevent the damage caused by free radicals, improve heart health and prevent development of several types of […]
Most unborn children remain unaffected once their mothers recover from COVID-19. However, getting COVID-19 while being pregnant increases the chances of premature delivery. The baby born may weigh less than 2.5 kg. Also, in extremely rare situations, miscarriages may happen. Just like any other medicine or vaccine, there may be side effects of the COVID-19 […]