Is Using Aluminum Foil Safe for Cooking? Find here!

Is Using Aluminum Foil Safe for Cooking? Find here!

If you find yourself baking a cake or roasting vegetables, it’s likely that you’ll reach for aluminum foil to wrap your food. However, you may be wondering if this practice is safe. The opinions on this matter can be quite conflicting, with some experts claiming that using aluminum foil in cooking can result in the […]

Indicators within your body signaling kidney dysfunction

Indicators within your body signaling kidney dysfunction

High blood pressure The kidneys play a vital role in regulating blood pressure. However, when the kidneys fail to function properly, they can contribute to elevated blood pressure levels by releasing specific hormones or causing the retention of salt and water in the body. This, in turn, can create a harmful cycle where high blood […]

Preventing Cancer through Lifestyle Changes

Preventing Cancer through Lifestyle Changes

Tests and screening routine: Dr. Ranjan emphasizes the importance of various measures in cancer prevention. These include undergoing routine cancer screenings, checkups, receiving vaccinations against specific sexually transmitted infections, and engaging in regular physical activities. While it’s important to note that these modifications do not offer an absolute guarantee against cancer prevention, they do play […]

Discover These 5 Fantastic Butter Substitutes for Baking: Smart Cooking Hacks

Discover These 5 Fantastic Butter Substitutes for Baking: Smart Cooking Hacks

Apple Sauce Apple sauce is another great substitute for butter. It can be easily used for baking cookies, breads, cakes, etc. Just grab your jar of apple sauce and add it in equal amounts as butter. Mix it well with the other ingredients and make delicious baked goodies. We promise it will give a tasty […]

Is it truly necessary to take 10,000 steps per day?

Is it truly necessary to take 10,000 steps per day?

According to Dr. RR Dutta, the head of internal medicine at Paras Health in Gurugram, while hitting a specific step count may not be crucial, maintaining regular physical activity is still vital for overall health and well-being. The American Heart Association recommends engaging in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week, along […]

Are you feeling Constipated? Try these

Are you feeling Constipated? Try these

Increase fibre intake: Fibre-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, and lentils can help regulate bowel movements. These foods help add bulk to the stool and promote its regularity. Experts suggest aiming for at least 25-30 grams of fibre per day.  Drink plenty of water: Maintaining proper hydration is crucial for regular bowel […]

How much water is required for daily hydration?

How much water is required for daily hydration?

The human body naturally loses water every day through breathing, sweating, and urination. To maintain proper bodily function, it’s necessary to replenish this water supply by consuming liquids or foods that contain water. The United States National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine suggest that healthy adults residing in mild climates should aim to consume: […]

Top health mistakes you are making every day & know how to fix them!

Top mistakes you are making every day & know how to fix them!

Not drinking enough waterFor the fluid and electrolyte balance, the body needs a lot of water to stay hydrated. Water can flush out toxins from the body and keep the kidneys healthy. Dehydration can result in aches, pains, fatigue, high creatinine and acute kidney injury. Sitting too much Living a sedentary lifestyle can pose several […]

Top indications that your kidney is in trouble!!

Top indications that your kidney is in trouble!!

High blood pressure Kidneys play a significant role in maintaining healthy blood pressure readings. That said, when your kidneys don’t function properly, it can further increase your blood pressure by releasing certain hormones or by causing retention of salt and water in your body, explains Cleveland Clinic. In a reverse effect, high blood pressure can […]

Lifestyle modifications that can prevent cancer

Lifestyle modifications that can prevent cancer

Screening & tests routine: “In addition to these modifications, regular cancer screenings, checkups, getting vaccinated against certain sexually transmitted infections, and regular physical activities are also important for cancer prevention. While these modifications cannot guarantee the prevention of cancer, they can significantly reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer. By adopting these healthy […]

Trying To Lose Weight? Get some useful tips here!

Trying To Lose Weight? Get some useful tips here!

1. Skip on refined carbs, eat complex carbs Many who are attempting to lose weight believe that carbohydrates are the problem, but they actually play a crucial part in your health, especially when it comes to giving you the energy you need to get through the day. To receive the most nutritional benefit from your food, […]

Top Superfoods for People With Diabetes

Top Superfoods for People With Diabetes

Cruciferous Vegetables Cruciferous Vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli strengthen one’s immunity, thanks to their high Vitamin C content. These veggies are packed with fibre and reduce hunger pangs, thus keeping diet under control. Apart from diabetes, cruciferous Vegetables containing fibres, fatty acids and vitamins also help to regulate blood pressure in the body and […]

Top tips to keep your lungs healthy

Top tips to keep your lungs healthy

Vaccination: For individuals at high risk of infection, vaccination for influenza virus , pneumococcal bacteria are utmost important for prevention of pneumonia. Consult your doctor and get more information about these vaccines. Prevent infection: Regular use of appropriate face masks has shown benefit in Covid-19 as well as tuberculosis. This is a simple and one of the […]

High Cholesterol Symptoms: Warning Signs To Watch Out For!

High Cholesterol Symptoms: Warning Signs To Watch Out For!

Dr Narayan Gadkar, Consultant Cardiologist, Zen Multi speciality Hospital, Chembur says ”One of the biggest warning signs of high cholesterol includes painful fingers and toes. The signs could be the result of an accumulation of cholesterol that clogs the blood vessels in the legs and hands.” Person suffering from high cholesterol may see yellowish-coloured deposits on […]

Morning vs Evening: When is a better time to exercise?

Morning vs Evening: When is a better time to exercise?

MORNING WORK OUTS: *Consistency: Multiple research studies show that exercising in the morning time has more benefits as it helps to maintain consistency. *Circadian rhythm: If you exercise regularly in the morning, your body will automatically begin to become more active in the daytime and will feel tired by the end of the day, thus […]

Top Non-Meat Sources Of Protein For Vegetarians

Top Non-Meat Sources Of Protein For Vegetarians

1. Milk  Not just calcium, milk is an excellent source of protein too. If you don’t like to have plain milk, try making smoothies or cereal bowls, or oatmeal with it. Although, we would highly recommend having turmeric milk, especially in winter, to build immunity along the way. Here’s how to make it.  2. Seeds  Proteins, healthy […]

कम उम्र में बाल सफेद होने के कारण 

कम उम्र में बाल सफेद होने के कारण

कम उम्र में बाल सफेद होने के मुख्य कारण-पोषक तत्वों की और किसी रोग के संकेत होने के साथ ही कई बार अनुवांशिक कारणों की वजह से भी ऐसा होता है। यहां हम उन जरूरी पोषक तत्वों के बारे में जानेंगे, जिनकी कमी के कारण आमतौर पर बाल सफेद होते हैं। विटमिन बी 12 की […]



– It makes you feel energetic. – It keeps your cravings at bay. – It helps you get rid of period cramps. – Improves digestion. – Boosts brain health. – They are immensely good for skin and hair as they’re full of antioxidants and vitamins. – Also good for heart (reduces blood pressure and cholesterol). […]

Top Winter Foods That May Help In Weight Loss

Top Winter Foods That May Help In Weight Loss

Guava Did you know? Guavas contain a high amount of fibre that fulfils about 12% of our daily recommended intake of fibre. Munch on this juicy soft fruit in winter and reap in its various health benefits. These low-cal, high-fibre foods help with smooth digestion and proper metabolism. Include these in your winter diet and […]

Top Super Winter Diet For Children!

Top Super Winter Diet For Children!

Citrus Fruits: Citrus fruits including oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruits, and clementines, which are rich in vitamin C, considerably help your immune system. The finest fruit to give your kids is this variety. Beetroot: Beetroots are excellent for your digestive health as they are high in fibre. It strengthens your immune system and aids in disease prevention. Turnip: It […]

Top Food Items That Are Essential To Eat During Pregnancy

Top Food Items That Are Essential To Eat During Pregnancy

Sweet potato: They contain high levels of a plant compound called Beta Carotene, which our body uses to make Vitamin A. For expecting mothers, Vitamin A is important as it helps in cell and tissue differentiation, leading to the proper development of the fetal tissue. Professionals advise its increased consumption from 10% to 40% and sweet […]

Alzheimer’s disease: 5 daily habits that increase risk!

Alzheimer’s disease: 5 daily habits that increase risk!

A poor diet: Reduce the intake of high saturated fats like cheese butter cakes, red meat etc as they are known to increase the risk of cognitive issues. Instead, replace these foods by consuming fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins and minerals. Drug and alcohol use: Overindulging in alcohol for an extended period of […]

आजकल बढ़ रहा है युवाओं में हार्ट अटैक का खतरा, जाने क्यों?

आजकल बढ़ रहा है युवाओं में हार्ट अटैक का खतरा, जाने क्यों?

एक तो भारतीयों में हृदय रोग होने की आनुवांशिक प्रवृति अधिक होती है। दूसरी चीज कि हमारे देश में युवाओं की लाइफस्टाइल में हो रहे बदलाव से टाइप-2 डायबिटीज, मोटापा, हाई ब्लड प्रेशर और खराब कोलेस्ट्रॉल जैसी बीमारियां बेहद तेजी से बढ़ रही हैं. ये बीमारियाँ हार्ट अटैक के खतरे को और बढ़ाती हैं. क्या […]